Your referral for a Disability Medical Assessment
During a Disability Medical Assessment your medical condition/s and their functional impacts will be assessed to help determine your medical eligibility for the Disability Support Pension.
The Disability Medical Assessment will be conducted by a qualified, independent Government-contracted Doctor. The Government-contracted Doctor will not be your usual doctor, although they may contact your usual treating health professionals if they require further information.
At your Disability Medical Assessment
The Government-contracted Doctor will discuss your medical condition/s and the evidence you have provided to support the assessment of your medical eligibility for Disability Support Pension. You should allow up to one hour for this appointment, however it may not take this long.
Once the report is complete, it will be submitted via secure channels to Services Australia. Services Australia will notify you about the outcome of your claim or medical review.
At the Disability Medical Assessment appointment the Government-contracted Doctor will NOT:
- Diagnose your medical condition/s
- Provide any medical advice or medical treatment
- Complete a medical examination
- Advise you on the outcome of your eligibility for Disability Support Pension
What to bring to your Disability Medical Assessment
You should have already provided all your medical evidence to Services Australia. If you have any additional medical evidence that may be relevant to your claim or medical review you can bring this to the assessment.
Obtaining a copy of your Disability Medical Assessment Report
To request a copy of your Disability Medical Assessment report contact Services Australia on 132 717.
You will be advised if you are required to make a formal written request under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 to obtain a copy of your report.
For information regarding the Disability Support Pension call 132 717 or go to
For information in other languages call: 131 202 or see the ‘Information in your language’ page at